Hey ladies! So today I have a list for you of 15 great motivational workout quotes for women. Working out is so important for our physical and mental health. If you want to know why working out is so important, read my post here.
Now just because I know why I need to work out, doesn’t mean I am always motivated to work out. Some days I wake up feeling like a slug just like everybody else. Or sometimes I get halfway through my workout and I feel like quitting. I have put together a list of my favorite quotes that help me keep showing up and keep pushing through. I’m always happy I did when I’m done.
15 Quick Motivational Workout Quotes for Women
Your health is an investment, not an expense.
This quote is so great because it’s totally true! Exercising is a way we take care of our bodies. That means we are giving our bodies what they need to help carry us into the future. That makes it an investment in ourselves. Every workout is another small deposit towards our growth mentally and physically.
Do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow.
When I think about this quote, I think about what future Candice would want me to do. Future Candice always wants me to get up and exercise. I am always happy and proud of myself when I make the effort to get it done. Always.
Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going.
I like this quote because it reminds me that each time I find the time to exercise it means I am building a habit. When it becomes a habit it becomes easier. It also reminds me that if I take too much time off I’m making it harder to keep that habit.
You won’t always love the workout, but you will always love the results.
I like this quote because it keeps things realistic. Not every moment of every workout feels good. I’m not always going to like it. But I will always like the results.
It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.
I like this quote because it reminds me that change can be slow sometimes. In the same way, it takes a long time to climb a mountain, it might take a while to get my body to be capable of doing what I want it to. The only way I get there though is by continuing to put the time in.
You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for.
I like this quote because it reminds me that sitting around wishing I was in better shape isn’t going to magically get me there. I will only see the changes that I work for. The only results I get will be the ones I earned.
Motivational Workout Quotes for Women to Keep You Pushing Through Your Workout
Remember why you started.
I like this quote because the reasons why you are exercising are good ones. They were enough to get you to set aside your valuable time to start your workout. Thinking about them during the hard times can help keep you pushing through the tough exercises and giving your best.
Be stronger than your excuse.
This quote helps me to stay focused. I can always find a reason not to work out. There will always be lots of excuses to slow down or give up. Our brains are great at finding any reason to stop something that’s hard. It’s our job to be stronger than those excuses and to continue to do our best.
I want to see what happens if I don’t give up.
This is one of the quotes I love! I don’t know about you, but there are lots of times in my past where I have quit or given up because it was hard. It was hard physically and mentally and giving up definitely felt easier. If I want to know what I’m really capable of, then I need to push past that level that I stopped at before.
A little progress each day adds up to big results.
This quote is behind so much of my outlook on life in general. The little steps matter! Every time we put in some effort, even if it’s just a little, it adds up. This applies to exercise as well. A short workout here, or a little bit of progress there will add up to huge growth and results in the future.
If you get tired, learn to rest not to quit.
This quote motivates me because I know our bodies get tired. Especially when we are working out and pushing ourselves. This means we need to rest, NOT quit. Resting is a short break to regroup so you can keep going. When I’m doing a tough workout I will take a short break, but I know that I need to get back to it and finish it.
I am doing this for me.
This quote was part of a whole revolution in my thinking. When I work out, I am doing it for me. I am the one that benefits. My body is the one getting stronger, more fit, and more healthy. I’m not doing it to please anyone. It’s for me. A gift to myself and my future.
If I don’t fully commit to the changes, the results won’t fully commit to me.
I use this quote to motivate me to keep pushing when I find myself slacking off in my workouts. I’m only going to get out of it what I put into it. If I don’t fully commit to giving my best effort, then I shouldn’t be surprised if my results aren’t what I wanted. These types of changes take commitment. I will only get out what I put into it.
Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.
This quote helps me to get past the barriers I put in my own way. The human body is amazing. Our bodies can do far more than we think they can. It’s the mental restrictions we put on it that hold us back. When we start to push past them. we see what we are really capable of.
Fitness is not about being better than someone else… it’s about being better than you used to be.
This quote helps to keep me from comparing myself to others and feeling inadequate. My journey is not theirs. I didn’t start where they are and I may not even want to go where they are headed. My fitness is about me and improving so I can meet my goals. What everyone else is doing doesn’t really even matter.
Conclusion on 15 Quick Motivational Workout Quotes for Women
I hope these quotes were helpful to you. Sometimes we need that extra bit of motivation to get us up and moving and giving our best. If you want more inspiring quotes or workout suggestions, follow me on Pinterest here.
Please comment and share your favorite fitness quotes and the things that help keep you motivated. You can also reach out to me at Candice@littlestepsbighappy.com.
Pin this for later! 👇👇
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I’m a busy mom of 3 turned Health and Fitness Coach and Self Defense Instructor. I help inspire other moms to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. You can usually find me chasing my kiddos around, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sneaking away to read romance novels. About Me
I love these quotes! It’s good to know others have days when they don’t feel like working out😊
It’s not always easy to get myself moving. Some days I need to run through quite a few of these quotes to get me going. 🤣 Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Fantastic post and quotes, you sound amazing!
Thanks so much!! That made my day 😊😊
My favorite is your health is an investment. I need to remind myself of that!
I’m glad you found one that worked for you. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.