Today I wanted to share with you some quotes about body positivity. It can be so hard as women, and especially moms, to really embrace our body in all its glory.
With social media at our fingertips, it’s all too easy to see “perfect” looking women everywhere we turn. When our own bodies don’t meet “traditional beauty standards,” we have a tendency to feel like something is wrong with us.
Sometimes we feel like we aren’t worthy because we don’t fit the usual mold. Often times our confidence takes a pretty big hit too.
Well, today I wanted to share some quotes with you that prove that type of thinking is completely wrong! You are beautiful and fabulous just the way you are.
My hope is that you find some words in here that help you see the wonderful, valuable, fantastic person that you are every time you look in the mirror. 😘
25 Quotes About Body Positivity to Boost Your Confidence
1. You are amazing! Own that Shit!
2. Your body loves you. Love it back.
3. Body confidence doesn’t come from trying to achieve the perfect body, it comes from embracing the one you’ve already got.
4. You can’t hate yourself into a version of yourself that you can love.
5. I need to be thinner smarter prettier better myself.
6. Life’s too short to be unkind to yourself.
7. I’m not beautiful like you. I’m beautiful like me.
8. If you can’t say anything nice about yourself… Practice!
9. Your best weight is whatever weight you reach when you’re living your healthiest life you actually enjoy.
10. All bodies are good bodies.
11. Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.
12. Another women’s beauty is not the absence of your own.
13. The problem isn’t with your body, the problem is what you think of it… And what you think of yourself.
14. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am enough.
15. I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet.
16. Be you. Do you. For you.
17. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time.
18. My body is my home and I will not tear it down.
19. I do not need anyone’s permission to feel glorious.
20. Health isn’t just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying too.
21. This is my body, my only body. I give it love, respect, and gratitude.
22. Don’t let your mind bully your body.
23. Shout out to all the girls working on loving themselves, because that shit’s hard and I’m proud of you!
24. Fall in love with taking care of yourself: mind, body, and soul. There is only one of you. You are truly once in a lifetime.
25. The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people. – Jamie Lee Curtis
Final Thoughts
So there you have 25 quotes about body positivity to help boost your confidence. Your body is amazing and wonderful! Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Not even yourself!
Tell me which quotes about body positivity you like the best. You can comment below or email me at Follow me on Pinterest for more positive and empowering quotes for women.
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I’m a busy mom of 3 turned Health and Fitness Coach and Self Defense Instructor. I help inspire other moms to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. You can usually find me chasing my kiddos around, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sneaking away to read romance novels. About Me