One of the best things I ever did for my weight loss was to start journaling in the mornings. Today I’m going to tell you why journaling for weight loss is so powerful, exactly how to do it, and my favorite morning journal ideas for weight loss.
Whenever I tell people how much journaling has helped me lose weight, I always get this question:
“Can journaling help with weight loss??”
Most people are surprised and a little skeptical. And hey, I get it. If you haven’t spent much time journaling than you might be a little confused.
Weight loss is supposed to be all about counting calories, eating nothing but salads, and exercising for hours at the gym right?? Well, the reality is that weight loss is a whole lot less about what you do and a whole lot more about being able to consistently do it!
Having the perfect meal plan and exercise routine is pretty pointless if you never stick to it. No matter how effective that diet you just started claims to be, if you can’t make yourself stick to it for longer than a day or two it’s not going to work.
That’s where weight loss journaling comes in.
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Benefits of Journaling for Weight Loss
Journaling for weight loss is so important because it allows you to do a few things:
- It focuses your mind daily on your weight loss goals.
- It helps you set an intention for your healthy habits for the day.
- It helps you check in with your thoughts and feelings.
Let’s talk about each of these benefits individually.
Focus Your Mind on Your Weight Loss Goals
The first thing journaling for weight loss does is it allows you to check-in with your emotions and thoughts on a daily basis. This is crucial for staying committed and motivated with your healthy habits.
Sometimes we need a reminder first thing in the morning to help us remember why putting in the effort to lose weight is so important.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up and my first thought was “I don’t want to work out!” But after sitting down and doing my morning journal prompts, I get that reminder of how much better I feel after exercising.
Plus, I tend to make better eating choices throughout the day when I start my morning off on a good foot.
That morning reminder can often be the kick in the butt you need to help you stick with your healthy habits.
Make a Plan for Your Healthy Habits that Day
The second benefit of journaling for weight loss is that it allows you to make a plan for your healthy habits each day. This is a great time to plan your meals, decide what workouts you want to do, etc.
When you have a plan, you are 42% more likely to follow through on your actions. Anything that ups my chances of losing weight by 42% is always worth the time and effort!
Odds are also pretty good that “morning you” is going to make waaay better food choices than “tired you” who is worn out from a long day and just wants to be done.
Check-in With Your Thoughts and Feelings
If emotional eating is ever something you struggle with, then this is going to be your number one benefit of journaling for weight loss. It’s definitely mine!
When I mentioned before that journaling is one of the things that has helped the most with my weight loss, this is what I was talking about. Being able to check in each day with how I’m feeling has helped dramatically cut down on my emotional overeating.
One of the morning journal ideas for weight loss I will be sharing below is to ask yourself each morning :
“How am I feeling?”
This question is so simple, but so powerful because if you don’t address your feelings, odds are pretty good you’re going to be eating about them later. And that is the last thing you want when you’re trying to lose weight.
So let’s dive into those weight loss prompts
25 Quick Morning Journal Ideas for Weight Loss
Here are some of my favorite morning journal ideas for weight loss. Use these questions and prompts to help inspire and motivate you each morning.
These weight loss prompts can help keep you consistent with your healthy habits so you make steady progress and finally reach that goal weight. 🙌
- How am I feeling?
- Why is it important for me to lose weight?
- How will my life improve when I lose weight?
- What is the extra weight costing me in my life right now?
- What is 1 thing I can do to work towards weight loss today?
- What is 1 healthy habit I’m willing to improve by 1%?
- What meals will I eat today?
- How will I get some movement in today?
- What are my weight loss goals?
- What progress have I made so far in my weight loss?
- What have I learned about my eating habits?
- What have I learned about my exercise habits?
- What do I want to start doing for my weight loss?
- What can I stop doing to help me lose weight?
- What should I keep doing to help me lose weight?
- How can I make weight loss easy today?
- Where am I struggling with my weight loss?
- What kind of relationship do I want to have with food?
- How does the version of me who has already lost the weight act?
- If weight loss were easy for me, what would I do?
- What is something I did in the past that I doubted I could do, but I did it anyway? How can I apply that to my weight loss?
- How do I feel about my ability to lose weight? Why?
- What negative thoughts do I have about my ability to lose weight? How can I make them positive?
- How do I want to feel about my eating choices at the end of the day?
- I am going to reach my goal weight because…
For tips on how to journal your food, check out How to Keep a Food Journal for Weight Loss.
When to Use These Weight Loss Prompts
I highly, highly suggest you use these morning journal ideas for weight loss daily. Taking the time to refocus your mind and recommit to your weight loss each day will show amazing results on the scale.
Not only will you feel more motivated, but it will feel a lot easier to follow through with your healthy habits. It’s easier to pass on the morning donuts and opt for some oatmeal instead when you just spent 10 minutes reminding yourself how much better you’ll feel when you finally hit your goal weight.
If journaling daily is too much for you, I suggest trying to do it at least 2-3 days a week. Monday is always a good day because everyone feels a lot more motivated at the beginning of the week.
Friday is also a really good choice because the weekend is the time when a lot of women lose sight of their weight loss goals in an effort to relax and enjoy the weekend.
Which usually leads to regrets and guilt come Monday morning.
How to Use Daily Journal Prompts for Weight Loss
The morning journal ideas for weight loss are meant as a list to help give you inspiration and guidance as you journal in the mornings. Feel free to pick and choose which questions resonate with you and leave the ones that don’t.
I will often pick a question, use it for a few weeks, and then move on to another when that question is no longer working for me. You could also pick a new question each day and just work your way through the list.
You can answer as many questions as you want each morning as well. If one is enough to help keep you focused and keyed into your weight loss plan, perfect!
If you need a few questions to help get your motivation flowing, that’s cool too. (I usually need at least 2-3 to really feel committed.)
Journaling for weight loss is a very personal experience, so feel free to experiment a little and do what works best for you.
Want to get a better handle on emotional eating? Check out this post, Emotional Overeating: How to recognize it and how to stop it!
The Best Weight Loss Journals
If you’re looking to do your journaling by hand, here are some of the best weight loss journals to use. I picked some of my favorites that range between discreet, motivational, and guided weight loss journals.
Life & Apples Wellness Planner
This weight loss journal functions as a food journal, fitness diary, and meal planner. It’s a great all-in-one option to keep your whole health plan organized.
The only downside is there isn’t a lot of room to dig deep into your own writing prompts. It does have space for daily gratitude and a weekly review though.
If you want more of a guided journal to keep you organized, this is a great choice. You can find it here HERE.
Erin Condren Designer Petite Planner – Wellness Log
This weight loss journal has a beautiful cover and is well organized. This quote on the cover offers a little more discretion, so you can take this journal with you when you’re out and about and not have the whole world know you’re writing down what you just had for lunch.
It has space to track your meals, exercise, and wellness goals. It’s also small enough to fit in your purse and offers a little extra room to go a little more in-depth with your thoughts. You can find it HERE.
Eccolo Dayna Lee Collection Light Pink”She Never Gave UP”
This weight loss journal is for someone who really wants to dig into her writing. This is a blank journal with a beautiful cover.
The cover is inspiring, but discreet so you can feel confident no one will know what you are writing about. It also gives you the opportunity to write as much as you want with your journal entries.
You can use the weight loss questions or prompts above to create a truly unique and personally inspiring journal practice. You can find it HERE.
She Believed She Could So She Did: An Inspirational Journal – Notebook to Write In – Lined Pages (Inspirational Journals for Women)
This weight loss journal is simple but effective. Each page has an inspiring quote to help you feel motivated and inspired on your weight loss journey.
Blank pages allow you to customize your journal however you want and write as much as you need. You can find it HERE.
Printable Weight Loss Journal Templates
If you’re looking to write your weight loss prompts in something a little simpler, here are some great printable weight loss journal templates.
Printable Morning Weight Loss Journal
This weight loss journal page has room for you to:
- Check-in with you’re feeling each day
- Write out your compelling reasons to lose weight
- Write out your daily healthy habits
- Plan your meals
- Plan your exercise
- Track your water intake
- Track your sleep
You can find it HERE.
Printable Weight Loss Journal
This printable weight loss journal has 22 pages so there is a little bit of everything. It has room to track your:
- Meals
- Measurements
- Workouts
- Weight Loss Progress
- Milestones
There is also room to journal about why weight loss is important to you, as well as some motivational quotes. You can find it HERE.
Ultimate Health and Fitness Planner Printable
This printable weight loss journal is pretty basic but comes with some nice blank journal pages to allow you to dive deep into those weight loss prompts. Included with this planner is room to:
- Plan your meals and shopping list
- Plan your workouts
- Track your measurements
- Write out your goals and affirmations
- Track your weight loss
You can find it HERE.
Printable Weight Loss Planner
This weight loss journal is beautifully designed and has lots of pages to help you plan and journal your weight loss. It has room to:
- Track your measurements
- Write out your weekly goals
- Track your meals and exercise
- Daily gratitude and routines
- Write out your shopping lists
- Keep a list of healthy meal ideas
- Blank note pages to dive deeper into weight loss journal prompts
You can find it HERE.
Weight Loss Journal Apps
If digital is more your style, here are a couple of journaling apps I have used and enjoyed.
This is a pretty basic journaling app for your phone. One nice feature is that you can use it from your computer and it syncs with the app on your phone.
That makes it convenient to journal at work or on a computer and still keep the information with you when you’re on the go. You can find it HERE.
Custom Journal
This is the journal that I personally use on my phone. I love it because you can create templates within the app and then just pick and choose which questions you want to answer without having to type them over again.
This makes it really easy to keep track of good writing prompts that I come across. You can find it HERE.
What’s next?
So now you have 25 morning journal ideas for weight loss. These weight loss prompts have helped me stay committed and focused on my weight loss journey and I hope they do the same for you.
Do you have any journal ideas for weight loss? If so, comment below or email me at Follow me on Pinterest for more weight loss tips and advice.
Looking for more weight loss tips and motivation?
- 15 Powerful Mindset Tips for Weight Loss Success
- 5 Surprising Benefits of Journaling for Weight Loss
- 25 Funny Weight Loss Motivation Quotes for Women
- 30 Positive Weight Loss Affirmations That Really Work
- 9 Emotional Benefits of Losing Weight to Get You Inspired
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I’m a busy mom of 3 turned Health and Fitness Coach and Self Defense Instructor. I help inspire other moms to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. You can usually find me chasing my kiddos around, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sneaking away to read romance novels. About Me
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