Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I am currently accepting guest posts for the blog. Read on to see the guidelines and expectations for submitting a pitch and publishing a blog post.
Submitting a pitch
Submit all pitches via email to Candice@littlestepsbighappy.com. I am currently accepting pitches on these topics:
Weight Loss
Healthy eating for women
Healthy eating for children and families
Positive mindset
Healthy Recipes
Guest Post Guidelines
Post Length: Posts should be between 1,000-2,000 words long.
Final Draft: Submit the final draft via pdf or google docs. Include a picture and author bio with your submission. I will create any graphics necessary.
Author Bio: Author bio should be 300 words or less. You can include 1 link to your website in the author bio.
Links: you can include occasional links to your website throughout the post, but they must not be any close than 1 link per every 100 words. Affiliate links are NOT allowed in the post.
Editing: I reserve the right to edit or modify the guest post as I see fit before and after publishing. I also reserve the right to NOT publish the guest post if I feel it will not suit my audience or fit in with the overall tone of my site.
Duplication: Duplicate content is NOT allowed. Do NOT submit a guest post that has been published somewhere else. Do NOT publish this content elsewhere once you have submitted it to this site.
Shares and Comments: You will be expected to share this post once it’s published to all of your social media platforms. I will also share the post on my social media platforms. You will also be expected to reply to comments left on the post from readers.
Guest posting is a great way for us to connect and help bring great new content to our audiences. Contact me via email at Candice@littlestepsbighappy.com for guest post submissions.

I’m a busy mom of 3 turned Health and Fitness Coach and Self Defense Instructor. I help inspire other moms to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. You can usually find me chasing my kiddos around, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sneaking away to read romance novels. About Me