If you are looking for some great resistance band exercises for arms, then you are in the right place. This workout will help you tighten and tone your arms as you build up strength.
Resistance bands are an easy way to get a killer arm workout. They are inexpensive, portable, and take up hardly any room.
Also, they are super versatile in the types of exercises you can use them for. They work well for cardio, strength training, stretching, and more.
If you are looking for a great resistance band routine for your abs and core, check out my Beginner Band Core Workout.
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Different Types of Resistance Bands
Throughout this article, I will be talking about two popular types of resistance bands. The first one is called a loop band.
It is a small band of elastic shaped in a big circle or “loop.” It’s a complete circle and doesn’t come apart or separate. It looks like a big rubber band.
The second type of band is simply referred to as a “resistance band.” It is a long strip of flexible elastic. It’s made out of the same material as loop bands, but it is often thinner and much longer.
Both types of resistance bands are great and can give you a good workout. Sometimes they require slightly different variations when you are using them, so I have given separate instructions where necessary throughout the article.
The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Your Arms
For a demonstration of how to do each move, watch the video below!
One Arm Row
The first move is called a One Arm Row. You can perform this move with either a small loop band or the longer resistance band. This move works your biceps and your upper back.
Small loop band: Simply take the band and hold one end firmly while holding your arm straight out in front of you. Hold that arm steady as you grip the other end of the band with your other arm.
Pull the band firmly with your second hand and pull straight back until your hand is parallel with your chest or shoulders. Slowly release your second hand.
Throughout the move keep your first arm straight and firm in the same position.
Longer resistance band: Follow the same directions as the small loop band. The only difference is you may need to experiment with where you hold the band in your stabilizing hand to get the desired level of resistance.
If you want the move to feel harder, have extra slack hanging from your hand. If you want it to feel easier, hold the resistance band closer to the end.
Sitting Double Arm Row
The next resistance band exercises for your arms move is called the Sitting Double Arm Row. This move is another one you can do with either a small loop band or a longer resistance band. This move works your biceps and your upper back.
Small loop band: Sit on your bottom and place the band around your feet. Grab the other side of the loop opposite from your feet and pull your elbows directly backward until your hands meet your torso. Slowly release toward your feet.
Longer resistance band: Sit on your bottom and place the middle of the band around the bottom of your feet. Grab each end of the band in a spot that gives light tension when both arms are held straight out.
Next, hold tightly to the band and pull your elbows directly backward until your hands meet your torso. Then slowly release towards your feet.
Bicep Curls
The next exercise is called a Bicup Curl. It helps tighten and tone the front of your arms (your biceps). This move works for a small loop band or a longer resistance band.
Small loop band: Kneel on the ground and place one side of the loop band under your knees. Sit up straight and grip the other side of the loop band with your palms facing up. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart.
Slowly curl your hands up to your shoulders. Slowly release them back down.
Longer resistance band: Stand on the center of the resistance band and hold one end in each hand. Face your palms forward and curl your hands up to your shoulders. Slowly release them back down.
Chest Press: Two Arms
The next resistance band exercise is called the Chest Press. To do this move with a longer resistance band you will do the chest press with both arms at the same time. This move works your chest, triceps, and biceps.
First, hold the resistance band with one end in each hand and the center of the band going around your upper back. You want the resistance band to be close to the shoulder level.
Next, slowly press both arms forward. You may need to experiment with different amounts of slack in the band to get your desired level of resistance.
If you want it to feel harder, have extra slack hanging from your hands. If you want it to feel easier, hold the resistance band closer to the ends.
One Arm Chest Press
The next move in this list of resistance band exercises for arms is the One Arm Chest Press. This move works best with a small loop band. It works your chest, triceps, and biceps.
Place the band around your shoulder and place the thumb of the same hand inside the loop. Reach over with your opposite hand and hold the band in place.
Slowly press your hand (and the band) straight forward. Slowly release back toward your shoulder.
One Arm Shoulder Press
This next exercise is called the One Arm Shoulder Press and it works best with a longer resistance band. This move is a great all-around exercise. It works your chest, shoulders, triceps, and upper back.
First, hold the resistance band in one hand and let it hang behind your back. Next, take your other hand and reach behind you and hold the band where it hangs at your lower back.
Next, slowly extend your first hand straight up toward the sky. Slowly release back down.
Lat Pulldown
The next resistance bad exercise for your arms is called the lat pulldown. This exercise works well with both the small loop band and a longer resistance band.
This exercise works your upper back. It helps tighten and tone the muscles that help with good posture and spinal stability.
Small loop band: Place both hands inside the loop band and hold them straight up overhead with the band held taught between them. Keep both arms should-width apart and your palms facing forward.
Next, slowly bring your elbows down and tip your hands slightly backward so the loop band goes behind your head. Slowly release back up overhead.
Longer resistance band: Follow the same directions for the loop band, just hold the resistance tight with a shoulder-width distance between your hands.
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- The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Back & Shoulders
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Overhead Pull Apart
Next on the list of the best resistance band exercises for arms is the Overhead Pull Apart. This move strengthens your triceps, shoulders, and the muscles in your upper back.
Small loop band: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the resistance band in both hands. Raise your arms straight up overhead.
Keeping your arms straight, slowly pull both arms away from each other and toward your sides. Slowly return your arms to the starting position. Be sure to keep your arms in line with your body throughout the exercise.
Longer resistance band: Follow the same directions for the loop band, just hold the resistance tight with a shoulder-width distance between your hands.
You will probably be able to pull the longer resistance band down farther because it’s thinner. Stop when your arms are parallel to the ground and slowly release the band back to the starting position.
Tricep Kickback
The next arm exercise you can do with your resistance bands is the Tricep Kickback. This move targets your triceps and works best with a longer resistance band.
Start by standing in a lunge with your front foot placed in the center of your resistance band. Grip the ends of the resistance band so you have light tension in the band.
Hinge forward at the hips about 45 degrees, and bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Keeping your elbows tight to your sides, extend your hands backward until your arms straighten.
Focus on keeping your core tight and your shoulder blades pulled in. Slowly bend your arms back to a 90-degree angle and repeat.
Tricep Extension
The next exercise is the Tricep Extension and it works your triceps. This exercise works best with a longer resistance band.
Hold the resistance band in one hand and let it hang behind your back. Take your other hand and reach behind you and hold the band where it hangs at your lower back.
Straighten your elbow and extend your top arm straight up toward the sky. Slowly bend your arm back to the starting position.
Be sure that throughout this move, your arm only moves at the elbow. The rest of it should stay in place.
Front Raise
Another great resistance band exercise for your arms is the Front Raise. The Front Raise targets the front of the shoulders and the middle of the back. This move works best with a longer resistance band.
Stand in a lunge and place your front foot on the center of your resistance band. Grip the ends of the resistance band tightly in both hands. Keep your palms facing behind you.
Keeping your core engaged, lift both hands straight up in front of you until they are parallel with the ground. Slowly lower your arms back down.
Lateral Raise
Next on this list of resistance band exercises for arms is the Lateral Raise. This exercise strengthens your tricep muscles and your shoulders.
Stand in a lunge and place your front foot on the center of your resistance band. Grip the ends of the band tightly in both hands. Keep your palms facing your sides.
Keeping your core engaged, lift both hands out to the side until they are parallel with the ground. Slowly lower your arms back down.
Tricep Pulldown
The next exercise is the Tricep Pulldown and it works your tricep muscles in the back of your upper arms.
Small loop band: Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged. Hold the band in your left hand at your right shoulder.
Reach inside the band and grip it with your right hand and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your elbow tight to your side, extend your right hand down toward the ground until it is even with your body. Slowly release back to the starting position.
Longer resistance band: The steps are the same for the longer resistance band, you just hold it a little differently for the starting position. Grip the resistance band in the middle with your left hand and hold it at your right shoulder.
Grab the resistance band with your right hand about 5-6 inches down from your left hand. You want the resistance band to have light tension when you hold your arm at a 90-degree angle.
Keeping your elbow tight to your side, extend your right hand down toward the ground until it is even with your body. Slowly release back to the starting position.
Plank Walk
The next resistance band exercise for arms is the Plank Walk. This move strengthens your triceps and shoulders and works best with a small loop resistance band.
Place your hands inside the resistance band and place it around your wrists. Get in a plank position.
Your hands should be directly below your shoulders with your legs out behind you. Keep your core engaged and a straight line from your head to your heels.
Step your right hand and foot out to the side. Step your left hand and foot in the same direction so you return to the starting position. Take two “steps” to the right and two “steps” to the left.
Plank Row
Last on the list of resistance band exercises for your arms is the Plank Row. The Plank Row works the muscles in your triceps, shoulders, and upper back.
Small loop band: Place your hands inside the resistance band and get into a plank position. Your arms should be directly below your shoulders and your feet side by side.
Keep your legs out behind you, core engaged, and a straight line from your head to your heels. Keeping one hand on the ground, pull your elbow up toward the sky in a row with your other hand. Lower your hand back toward the ground.
Longer resistance band: Get into a plank position with the middle of the resistance band underneath your right palm. Grip the resistance band with your left hand about 4-5 inches away.
Pull your left elbow up toward the sky in a row. Lower your left hand back toward the ground. Repeat on the left side until you’ve finished the desired number of reps. Then switch your grips and repeat on the right side.
Beginner Band Workout for Your Arms
To use these resistance band exercises for arms in a full workout with your small loop band, follow this routine.
- One Arm Row — 10 reps on each arm
- Bicep Curls — 15 reps
- One Arm Chest Press — 10 reps on each arm
- Lat Pulldown – 15 reps
- Tricep Pulldown — 10 reps on each arm
- Plank Walk — 10 reps
- Plank Row — 10 reps on each arm
Repeat the circuit twice for a beginner workout. I created this routine to be used with a medium resistance band.
If you want to increase the intensity, use a heavier resistance band or complete another circuit of the routine. To decrease the intensity, use a lighter resistance band, or lower the number of reps.
To use these resistance band exercises for arms in a full workout with your long resistance band, follow this routine.
- Sitting Double Arm Row — 15 reps
- Bicep Curls — 15 reps
- Chest Press: Two Arms — 15 reps
- Lat Pulldown — 15 reps
- Plank Row — 10 reps on each arm
- Overhead Pull Apart — 15 reps
- Tricep Kickback — 15 reps
- Lateral Raise — 15 reps
Repeat the circuit twice for a beginner workout. I created this routine to be used with a medium resistance band.
To increase the intensity, use a heavier resistance band or complete another circuit of the routine. If you want to decrease the intensity, use a lighter resistance band, or lower the number of reps.
If you don’t have one yet, don’t forget to get a resistance band! You can find one HERE.
FAQ’s About Resistance Band Exercises for Arms
Do resistance bands tone your arms?
Absolutely! Resistance bands are a great way to strengthen and tone your arms without having to use bulky weights.
When you do exercises using resistance bands, they make the movements harder. This requires your body and muscles to put in more effort to complete the move.
This helps strengthen the muscles in your arms as well as burn more calories. This will help tighten and tone your arms.
Can resistance bands improve arm strength?
Yes. Resistance bands can help improve the strength of your arms. Resistance bands work similarly to weights or weight machines at the gym.
As you use them throughout the exercises, they resist your movement as your stretch them. This causes your muscles to work harder to move, which over time, will make them stronger.
The stronger the resistance of your band, the more work and effort your body will perform to complete the exercise. This is what helps your muscles grow and get stronger.
How do resistance bands get rid of flabby arms?
Resistance bands help increase the difficulty of the exercises that you do. This helps the muscles grow stronger and helps burn fat off your body.
This will get rid of flabby arms by helping tighten and tone them.
Do resistance bands help lose arm fat?
Building muscle and strength training can help increase your metabolism throughout the day. This will help your body burn more calories so you can lose fat.
Unfortunately, we can’t pick and choose where on our body we burn fat. But using resistance bands for your arms will help tighten and tone the muscles in that area, which will help create a better shape in your arms.
Combined with a good diet, you will eventually lose fat in your arms as well as the rest of your body.
What’s next after resistance band exercises for your arms?
Now that you know the best resistance band exercises for arms, go check out these great resistance band exercises for your abs and core. With both sets of exercises to choose from, you will make sure you really get the most out of your resistance band.
What are your favorite resistance band exercises for arms? Let us know in a comment below or email me at Candice@littlestepsbighappy.com. Follow me on Pinterest for more beginner exercise routines and ideas.
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I’m a busy mom of 3 turned Health and Fitness Coach and Self Defense Instructor. I help inspire other moms to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. You can usually find me chasing my kiddos around, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sneaking away to read romance novels. About Me
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